Saturday, May 21, 2011


So yeah, don't you just hate it when you misplace stuff?  I do.  The other day I was looking for my container of googly eyes and can't find it.  I use them to make my crazy pom creatures mainly, but needed to take them into school for a student to use on a project and couldn't find them anywhere!  I have since searched my entire art/craft room from top to bottom twice and haven't found them yet.  I am really bugged by this.  It's literally annoying me and I can't wait to find them so I can move on and use my brain energy for something more important.  Maybe I left them at work/school and just haven't looked hard enough there.  I will feel so unsettled until I find them.  Like, I'm really so bugged by this that I think I might actually go into work tomorrow on my way to the grocery store to look for them.  Seriously.  I know, I've got problems...

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